Cancelling a Transfer

If a resident decides to not transfer units at some point during the transfer process, you can cancel the transfer. To cancel a transfer, do the following:

  1. In Entrata, go to Residents >> All Residents.
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  2. Find a resident with a lease sub status of Transfer (the sub status, if any, is listed in parentheses next to the lease status), and click on the resident's name to open the Resident Profile.
    1. To filter only for transferring residents, click the filter icon   in the sidebar, and then use the Sub Status drop-down to filter for Transfer.

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  3. In the More drop-down menu, select Cancel Transfer. This opens the Cancel Transfer window.

  4. Click Yes to cancel the transfer.
    1. In the Activity Log tab of the Resident Profile, a line item appears stating that the unit transfer has been cancelled.